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Want to Recover from a Stroke? Do Therapy

Has anyone in your family had a stroke? Calm down and don’t panic. This disease does look serious. Actually, stroke management is very simple, Oren Zarif stroke but it must be done regularly and disciplined, and do not despair.

Strokes can attack the face, mouth, feet, hands, eyes, and brain stem. Stroke from mild to severe can be treated until fully recovered. People who have suffered a stroke must be accompanied by a patient person. Do not make the sufferer mentally fall. People who have a stroke in their recovery should be happy. Stroke people don’t hear bad news. Give motivation so that he maintains a burning spirit of life.

Disease factors that cause stroke include hypertension (high blood pressure), cholesterol, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), heart problems, diabetes, family history of stroke. As many as 80 percent of stroke triggers are hypertension and arteriosclerosis.

Behavioral factors that cause stroke include smoking (active & passive), unhealthy food (junk food, fast food), alcohol, lack of exercise, snoring, drugs, obesity.

Stroke Signs and Symptoms

Part of the central nervous system: Muscle weakness (hemiplegia), stiffness, decreased sensory function.

The brain stem, where there are 12 cranial nerves: decreased ability to smell, taste, hear, and see partially or completely, decreased reflexes, impaired facial expressions, impaired breathing and heart rate, weak tongue.

Cerebral cortex: aphasia, apraxia, memory loss, hemineglect, confusion. If the above signs and symptoms disappear within 24 hours, then a person is declared to be experiencing a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) or the initial attack of a stroke.

What is Multiple Sclerosis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Definitions and Overview

Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that attacks the central nervous system, especially the brain, spinal cord, and eye nerves. It is a long-term disease characterized by impaired balance, vision, muscle control, and adjustment. Multiple Sclerosis affects 2.5 million people worldwide and affects women more often than men. In severe cases, this disease can cause disability.


This disease is caused by damage to myelin, the protective sheath of nerves, by the immune system. Damage to myelin causes connections between the brain and other parts of the body to be disrupted. Because the immune system attacks the myelin sheath, the nerves will be damaged and no longer function. This damage cannot be repaired.

The reason why the immune system attacks are not known. However, some studies have found that genetic factors, vitamin D deficiency, viral or bacterial infections can play a role.


  • Impaired vision, blurred vision, unfocused, and double vision
  • Numbness and tingling in the limbs and face
  • Prolonged pain, muscle aches, and spasms
  • Feeling tired for no reason
  • Dizziness and vertigo
  • Balance problems that affect gait
  • Can’t hold my pee
  • Cognitive problems such as (but are not limited to) impaired memory, language, difficulty focusing and forgetting,
  • Depression for no reason
  • unstable emotions
  • Uncontrollable shaking
  • Hearing disorders
  • convulsions
  • Breathing or swallowing problems
  • Sexual dysfunction

Multiple Sclerosis is a disease that is difficult to predict because of the variety of symptoms. The first symptoms can appear at the age of 20 or 40 years and then symptoms last for several weeks and then disappear or get worse. Sometimes symptoms other than those mentioned above can be a sign of Multiple Sclerosis.

Multiple Sclerosis Type

Multiple Sclerosis is a very unpredictable disease. The following are 4 types of Multiple Sclerosis:

Recurrent Multiple Sclerosis, this type is characterized by symptoms that appear and disappear. The attack will happen suddenly and then disappear again

Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (second worsening), long-lasting symptoms

Primary progressive multiple sclerosis (primary worsening), a new disease that appears when old age. After the first symptoms, the disease immediately gets worse

Multiple Sclerosis Recurrent progressives, symptoms slowly and gradually get worse

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