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Is it a boy or a girl?

For all future parents who want to know if their baby will be a boy or a girl, there is a way to know what the gender is at a very early stage of the pregnancy. This is called the”>Peekaboo gender test. This test can already be taken after just a few weeks of pregnancy. Would you like to know more? Then go ahead and read this blog!

What is the Peekaboo test?

The Peekaboo test is a pregnancy test that is taken to find out the gender of the baby. The special thing about this test is that it can be taken after only 7 weeks of pregnancy. This test is therefore perfect for parents who are eager to know what the gender of their baby is very early on!

How does it work and is it safe?

The Peekaboo test is completely safe for both the baby and the mother because only a small blood sample is needed for this test. The test works as follows: In the blood sample taken from the mother, the expert can see if there is a Y chromosome present in the blood. If this is the case and thus a Y chromosome is present, then the baby is a boy. If the Y chromosome is missing then the baby is a girl. This technique is very accurate and can determine the gender of the baby with up to 99.5% accuracy. This accuracy is very important because parents want certainty when it comes to situations like this.

When do you get the results?

After the test is taken, waiting for the results is of course super exciting, but also nerve- racking. Because the test has to give good and accurate results, enough time is also spent examining the blood sample. The experts at Peekaboo know how tensive this waiting time can be and that is why they work as efficiently and quickly as possible. You, therefore, do not have to wait too long, because in most cases you will receive the results of the test within one or two days.

Extra certainty

The Peekaboo test is a test that can say a lot about the upcoming months of your pregnancy and the birth of your baby. For parents, this test is therefore incredibly important. If the results, therefore, end up not matching the sex of the baby you can usually expect a 100% money-back guarantee and that’s good to know.

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